In Namibia, "John Kasaona is working on an innovative way to protect endangered animal species: giving nearby villagers (including former poachers) responsibility for caring for the animals."
People and animals are still finding ways to enjoy the warm weather, but they are also working to cope with the extremes.
When the hungry animals started swimming 100 miles upriver to feast on salmon, humans decided that they had to be killed.
Vulnerable birds, snakes, and frogs are clinging to survival in the lawns next to taxiways and runways.
While Western activists focus on the animals, their handlers are often treated as expendable.
A handful of images of the tens of billions of individual animals divided among some 10,000 species, inhabiting nearly every environment on Earth
As an environmental journalist and a parent, I worry that the animals in my son’s bedtime stories will disappear before he learns they’re real.
Films such as Blackfish, Finding Dory, and Planet of the Apes are taking a stand against live animals in entertainment as the federal government gets involved.