I thought having a rat czar would be an easy win for the city. I was wrong.
Breeding the animals in captivity is a complicated process.
For animals, sleep is both universal and incredibly varied.
The soybean could—if we were a world of vegetarians. It is rich enough in protein to replace meat, but now it is fed mostly to animals.
In Across the Spider-Verse, even more thrilling than the dazzling visuals is the hero’s bold psychological journey.
The Kakhovka Dam’s destruction by suspected Russian sabotage has made the Ukrainian land itself a casualty of war.
We’ve become inured to his rhetoric, but his message has grown darker.
Half a century after nearly being wiped out, the whales are back in an Antarctic bay.
The bean has the potential to remake American diets, but it has an image problem.
Some mammals pause their pregnancies for nearly a year, like a DIY version of freezing your embryos.