How did part of a black-widow venom gene end up in a virus that infects one of the world's most successful bacteria?
The secret food source of a seafood delicacy
Their bodies pile up by the hundreds, nourishing the Serengeti—and contributing to the circle of life.
Most of the Earth’s surface is ocean. Life began there. But marine life accounts for only 15 percent of the world’s species.
The Arctic can stay perpetually dark for months. Reindeer cope by changing part of their eyes from gold to blue.
Deciphering the behavior of cephalopods can be messy.
Each year, half a million horseshoe crabs are captured and bled alive to create an unparalleled biomedical technology.
Some researchers believe that the microbiome may play a role in regulating how people think and feel.
The “elaborate detour” of having fun pays cognitive dividends.