The booming right-wing influencer ecosystem helped reelect Donald Trump—and the other side may not have an answer.
The U.S. Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Roberts, overturns a death-penalty sentence after an expert witness testified the defendant was more likely to commit future crimes because he is black.
The Bush administration seems likely to lose the first big war-on-terrorism case that has come before the Supreme Court—one regarding due process at Guantanamo Bay.
The ruling in the case of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum is a huge disappointment for human-rights activists.
The actress's candid op-ed about her mastectomy comes on the eve of a vital ruling over patents for breast cancer genes like hers.
Any jurist so ready to gut the First Amendment's protections couldn't be trusted to safeguard the balance of the Bill of Rights.
The issue is that they give room to bad-faith actors who will try to create mayhem in the days and weeks following November 5.
After the fall of affirmative action, things have not gone the way anyone expected.
Representative Justin Amash is the sole member of Congress who's come out against the Supreme Court nominee, citing his record on privacy. Can he get Senator Rand Paul to join him?