At least 13 are already dead in what the CDC has named the deadliest food outbreak in the United States in more than a decade
Yes, but probably not of bubonic plague. The very same apocalyptic Black Death does still linger in the U.S., though. It's worth knowing something about.
A massive eradication effort wiped out screwworms in the U.S. 35 years ago—but then they reappeared.
Through epigenetics, our parents' lives could influence our memories.
An assessment of Charles Lyell's The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man with Remarks on the Theories of the Origin of Species by Variation
"The food-tainting scandals, as much as the economic crisis, are the result of predictably unreliable 'voluntary' industry self-regulation that leaves the foxes guarding the henhouse."
And that's okay.
There, there.