Roughly 375 million years ago, the number of species on Earth plummeted. But extinction rates remained steady. What changed was that new species failed to emerge.
Orange Is the New Black's Crazy Eyes and Miley Cyrus's VMA performance recall the Harriet Beecher Stowe classic, even if their creators didn't intend to.
A holiday reading guide
The new germ theory: Infections play a role in many, many diseases—in ways we're just beginning to understand.
Should morals, as well as religion, dictate what observant Jews can eat? After years of debate, some Orthodox rabbis say yes.
The danger of uploading one’s consciousness to a computer without a suicide switch
Scientists share the gross, scary, and often hilarious reality of doing experiments in the wild.
A clever experiment reveals how fake traffic noise drives songbirds out of forests and harms the ones that stay behind.