Two generations after the famous film about solitary confinement first appeared, it's still relevant to the deplorable treatment of inmates in America's prisons today.
Fight or flight, or sleep
A writer imagines the final moments and afterlife of a squid that died February 13, 1957. An Object Lesson.
Reading the scholarly literature on the 10th anniversary of Nipplegate
What to read this month
Wine in a box is affordable, ecological, and delicious—and its time has come. An Object Lesson.
American Interior author and rock musician Gruff Rhys learned a lot by following in footsteps of a gullible pioneer.
Though many turn up their noses at materialism, being attached to possessions isn't all bad. Objects can be bridges to other people, places, and times, and create meaning and comfort for their owners.
What it’s like to watch a komodo dragon get dissected
The Japanese author’s guide to “tidying up” promises joy in a minimalist life. For many, though, particularly the children of refugees and other immigrants, it may not be so simple.