The most violent criminals get a Kremlin pardon if they agree to fight in Ukraine.
The unresolved speaker fight could determine whether the government stays open—and the future of U.S. support for Israel and Ukraine.
The world’s time, to which all clocks are set, comes from small national labs. Ukraine’s is in Kharkiv, a city under fire.
American leaders keep overestimating their control over events in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.
Supporting and arming Ukraine, and accelerating the collapse of the Russian military, is the most realistic way to end the conflict.
Images from the past month showing scenes from Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Donetsk, Mariupol, and more
An outdated view of warfare helps explain why the U.S. was slow to supply long-range missiles.
Indiscriminate violence reveals Putin’s powerlessness to overcome Ukrainian resistance.
Forecasting a conclusion to an unpredictable conflict
Kyiv’s success against Moscow forces us to reexamine our assumptions about what it means to be powerful.