It is unclear if even Russia will recognize the results of the vote, which Kiev and most Western leaders have condemned.
A push to provide lethal aid to Ukrainian forces appears to be gaining traction in the White House.
He'll be contending with a stalled Minsk process, unclear direction from Washington, and a still-hot war with Russia in the east.
The liberation of Russian-occupied territory might bring down Vladimir Putin.
Putin’s Russia is not the only heir to the Soviet heroics of the Second World War.
His recent rhetoric targeting Jews suggests that his grip on power may be loosening.
The Russian leader is reaching out to his foes with one hand, and striking them with the other.
Rebel leaders in the eastern part of the country say they will stop military operations starting Wednesday at midnight.
The United States can—and must—wield its power for good.
In its timing, design, and execution, the Wagner chief’s threatened coup bears the hallmarks of a well-prepared operation.