Biden’s handling of Putin may tell Xi Jinping how resolutely the U.S. would defend Taiwan.
An all-night peace summit yielded an agreement to de-escalate the violence in eastern Ukraine even as tanks were spotted crossing into the country from Russia overnight.
Once U.S. money starts flowing again, the dynamics of the war will change.
"Limiting wars to those that are in the national interest and can be won eliminates many wars." You wouldn't think politicians and thinkers would need to be reminded of this point, but they do.
Pro-Russian factions are pressing forward with voting on Sunday—a challenge to the West and to the Ukrainian government
Pressure on Russia’s Jewish institutions has stoked fears of retaliation over Israel’s support for Ukraine. The reality is more complex.
Aid to Ukrainian forces is achieving more than the long U.S. intervention in Afghanistan did.
Frustrated by Berlin’s robust response to his invasion of Ukraine, the Russian leader is seeking allies who could disrupt the consensus.
The West faces a simple choice: reduce aid to Ukraine and deliver Russia a victory, or else finish the job it has begun.