Not only did the president hold up aid to Ukraine; he made its release contingent on a statement advancing his own political interests.
Allies can be exasperating. But try being invaded by your neighbor and lectured by everyone else.
Over the weekend in Ukraine's breakaway republic of Donetsk, self-proclaimed authorities celebrated International Women's Day by holding a beauty pageant. The contestants were all female soldiers fighting with pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine.
The faction that obsesses about maintaining American credibility does the most to risk undermining it.
Eastern Ukraine is home to nine-tenths of the country's coal and one of Europe's largest shale-gas deposits. Will the region soon be Moscow's?
The Ukraine crisis isn’t as dangerous as the darkest moments of the Cold War, but the potential for mistakes and miscalculations means the risks are still high.
In the weeks since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the leaders of the Donbas have had no easy choices.
The real prize in Ukraine is the end of American influence in Europe.
U.S. voters wanted change. The world may pay the price.