Vermont Was Supposed to Be a Climate Haven
Then the rain came.
Then the rain came.
As temperature and weather records fall, Earth may be nearing so-called tipping points.
Why do Pennsylvania elk sound different from Colorado elk?
Hatchery-raised salmon tend to stray from home. The smell of brewer’s yeast could help lure them back.
Magpies are using anti-bird spikes for their own purposes.
Climate change feels more real now than ever.
Yes, it’s hot out. Here are some ideas about our heat reality that go beyond the temperature.
“Lab leak” has too many meanings.
Air-conditioning and swimming pools are sustaining my community. I worry about the day when they won’t be enough.
Gravitationally speaking
The quietest sounds might still disturb wildlife.
Desalination requires tons of energy. One company is testing a hack to make it greener.
For texturally exciting gummies—powder bursts! ultra-chewy!—you have to look outside the United States.
Francesca Gino stands accused of cheating in her studies of why people cheat. Was she searching for a theory of herself?
Sure, these products could be better than regular old plastic. Right now, they’re not.
Biodiversity might hinge on what species have in common, not their particular niches.
Tourism campaigns tout the archipelago as a diorama of prehistory. But that narrative could help degrade the islands even further.
Take Antarctica off your travel bucket list.
One thing is certain: More extreme smoke days are coming.
Southerners are used to heat. We’re not used to this.