Trump Takes Over the Kennedy Center
The president intends to replace members of the institution’s board as he adopts a more aggressive approach toward the arts.
The president intends to replace members of the institution’s board as he adopts a more aggressive approach toward the arts.
How Elon Musk’s conspiracy theories became official White House policy
“I have never seen a government action have such an immediate impact.”
The world’s richest man still relies on the president for his authority.
The president proposes an American takeover of the Gaza Strip.
Donald Trump does not appear eager to follow through on one of his biggest campaign promises.
If Congress won’t stop Donald Trump and Elon Musk from arrogating its power over federal spending, who will?
The best analogies to understand the U.S. president can be found right in the United States.
The world’s richest man has declared war on the federal government, and his influence appears unchecked.
Donald Trump might miss the bureaucrats when the next crisis hits.
Words, including the words of presidents, matter so very much.
At a meeting of the DNC, the party seemed to be at pains to demonstrate that it learned nothing from its 2024 defeat.
Avoid progressive pieties and rebuild an effective democratic majority
Activists want to see their opposition party do some actual opposing.
Seasoned members of the nation’s top law-enforcement agency are bracing for a mass expulsion as the president roots out anyone he sees as disloyal to him.
The first press conference of Trump’s second term had a lot in common with the freewheeling, falsehood-packed sessions of his first.
The president is promising a return to meritocracy—while staffing his government with underqualified loyalists.
But he’s not taking charge.
The president has denied protection to four men he put in mortal danger.
The directive from the Office of Management and Budget that froze most federal funds on Monday had not gone through the usual approval process.