What Ketamine Does to the Human Brain
Excessive use of the drug can make anyone feel like they rule the world.
Excessive use of the drug can make anyone feel like they rule the world.
Trash dumping is taking a devastating environmental toll—especially on poorer countries.
This is how the bad guys act.
James Murdoch on mind games, sibling rivalry, and the war for the family media empire
Americans are now spending more time alone than ever. It’s changing our personalities, our politics, and even our relationship to reality.
The Russian dictator has bent the world, including the United States, to his vision.
Hens are wonderful to keep, but they lay the most expensive eggs you’ll ever buy.
Jay Bhattacharya has spent years railing against the National Institutes of Health. What happens when he runs it?
The MIT economist Peter Temin argues that economic inequality results in two distinct classes. And only one of them has any power.
It’s not just a phase.
Hitler didn’t want a peace deal, and neither does Putin.
Republicans are way overplaying their hand.
He used the constitution to shatter the constitution.
By middle school, many kids’ interest in learning falls off a cliff. The ripple effects could last for years.
Reality television helped propel Donald Trump to the White House. Now its conventions are helping him expand its powers.
How regime change happens in America
One of the worst maritime disasters in European history took place two decades ago. It remains very much in the public eye. On a stormy night on the Baltic Sea, more than 850 people lost their lives when a luxurious ferry sank below the waves. From a mass of material, including official and unofficial reports and survivor testimony, our correspondent has distilled an account of the Estonia’s last moments—part of his continuing coverage for the magazine of anarchy on the high seas.
What’s happening in America today is something darker than a misinformation crisis.
There is no age or time of life that isn’t still an opportunity for personal progress.
American allies don’t trust Trump with the intelligence they share.