It’s Not Amateur Hour Anymore
Trump’s team is savvy and has been planning to remake the federal government for years.
Trump’s team is savvy and has been planning to remake the federal government for years.
He used the constitution to shatter the constitution.
Trump claims to be focused on national security, but the evidence suggests otherwise.
Once legal rights begin to fall, they fall for everyone.
Trump wants to go around Congress and freeze enormous amounts of federal spending. Can he?
How “see you in the gulag” became a D.C. power flex
Democracy is for “we, the people”—not “them, the owners of memecoins.”
Why have Republican leaders abandoned their principles in support of an immoral and dangerous president?
A day for pseudoscience in Congress
Americans are now spending more time alone than ever. It’s changing our personalities, our politics, and even our relationship to reality.
Those light bulbs make you look awful.
The president’s decrees are deliberately sweeping and chaotic.
At first, much the same. But inevitably dangerous diseases would resurge in a country that isn’t prepared for them.
Half a century ago, the Vietnam War came to an end with the fall of Saigon, the blockbuster movie Jaws was released, and so much more.
My male friends love to talk at me—but not with me.