![An ear underneath a speaker](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/9PPEdRaTDDFN7blieZd9NehRO5E=/86x1310:2078x2638/210x140/media/img/mt/2025/02/20250206_spotify_mood_machine_pan-1/original.jpg)
The Paradox of Music Discovery, the Spotify Way
A new book explores the company’s commitment to shaping what its users hear.
A new book explores the company’s commitment to shaping what its users hear.
A longtime conservative, alienated by Trumpism, tries to come to terms with life on the moderate edge of the Democratic Party.
Americans are now spending more time alone than ever. It’s changing our personalities, our politics, and even our relationship to reality.
I know I sound naive, but this wasn’t like a “normal” affair.
She lived with us for 56 years. She raised me and my siblings without pay. I was 11, a typical American kid, before I realized who she was.
The kid who refuses to wear pants is a familiar sight to parents, students, and educators—and a mystifying one. What’s so great about being underdressed?
One of the worst maritime disasters in European history took place two decades ago. It remains very much in the public eye. On a stormy night on the Baltic Sea, more than 850 people lost their lives when a luxurious ferry sank below the waves. From a mass of material, including official and unofficial reports and survivor testimony, our correspondent has distilled an account of the Estonia’s last moments—part of his continuing coverage for the magazine of anarchy on the high seas.
To learn a difficult new skill means risking failure—but it’s also a path to greater happiness.
The rapper insists he’s a musician, not a messiah—a message reinforced by his Super Bowl performance.