The ‘Exciting Business Opportunity’ That Ruined Our Lives
Amway sold my family a life built on delusion.
Amway sold my family a life built on delusion.
Americans are now spending more time alone than ever. It’s changing our personalities, our politics, and even our relationship to reality.
Striking out against injustice is always right; it always matters.
I know I sound naive, but this wasn’t like a “normal” affair.
Donald Trump might miss the bureaucrats when the next crisis hits.
It’s not just a phase.
I want to reach out, but I’m not sure how.
Adults are significantly less likely to be married or to live with a partner than they used to be.
Nitrous oxide is widely available as long as everyone pretends it’s being used for whipped cream. An industry has arisen to exploit that loophole.
Tens of millions of American Christians are embracing a charismatic movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation, which seeks to destroy the secular state.
The British Museum should return the ancient treasures to Greece for the sake of art, not nationalism.
Avoid progressive pieties and rebuild an effective democratic majority
Images from a Hindu festival in India, expected to attract more than 400 million visitors
Every single aspect of human life is being reoriented around the pursuit of attention.
By the end of the argument, everyone knew it.
If where you live isn’t truly your home, and you have the resources to make a change, it could do wonders for your happiness.
People are discovering the truth about their biological parents with DNA—and learning that incest is far more common than many think.
The meritocracy isn’t working. We need something new.
Ali Smith scrambles plotlines, upends characters, and flouts chronology—while telling propulsively readable stories.
Read about how private schools can breed entitlement, the issue with college admissions, and more.