‘What the Hell Is Happening to Your Country?’
American allies don’t trust Trump with the intelligence they share.
American allies don’t trust Trump with the intelligence they share.
The Russian dictator has bent the world, including the United States, to his vision.
Does your Weltanschauung need an upgrade? I’ve got you.
James Murdoch on mind games, sibling rivalry, and the war for the family media empire
Don’t fall for The Telepathy Tapes.
Hitler didn’t want a peace deal, and neither does Putin.
Reality television helped propel Donald Trump to the White House. Now its conventions are helping him expand its powers.
It’s gotten so bad, I’m considering leaving him.
One of the worst maritime disasters in European history took place two decades ago. It remains very much in the public eye. On a stormy night on the Baltic Sea, more than 850 people lost their lives when a luxurious ferry sank below the waves. From a mass of material, including official and unofficial reports and survivor testimony, our correspondent has distilled an account of the Estonia’s last moments—part of his continuing coverage for the magazine of anarchy on the high seas.
The artist formerly known as Kanye West thinks this is a great time for a comeback. He might be right.
Hens are wonderful to keep, but they lay the most expensive eggs you’ll ever buy.
It’s not just a phase.
Republicans are way overplaying their hand.
The show seems to be delivering an uncomfortable verdict on one of its biggest questions.
Vaccination is the only way to prevent measles infection, a fact the Trump administration has downplayed.
What are the nation’s warfighters so afraid of?
Culture and entertainment musts from Shane Harris
With every new policy and offhand remark, Trump belies the imaginary versions of himself that inspired many of his supporters.
Americans are now spending more time alone than ever. It’s changing our personalities, our politics, and even our relationship to reality.
The tariffs are real, and they are spectacularly foolish.