Wyman Richardson


  1. The Big Owl

    In an ancient Cape Cod cottage, the Farm House, the walls of which were decorated by his uncle, the artist Frank W. Benson, DR. WYMAN RICHARDSON spent some fifty summers. Here he came to know the moods and everchanging beauty of Nauset Beach and the great salt marsh within; here he developed his extraordinary knowledge of the shore birds; and here he guided his family and friends on happy expeditions for the striped bass or the blue crab. From his posthumous book, The House on Nunset Marsh, which will be published this month by Norton, we have selected the following paper.

  2. Around the Horn

    In an ancient Cape Cod cottage, the Farm House, the walls of which were decorated by his uncle, the artist Frank W. Benson, DR. WYMAN RICHARDSONspent some fifty summers. Here he came to know the moods and ever-changing beauty of Nauset Beach and the great salt marsh within; here he developed his extraordinary knowledge of the shore birds; and here he guided his family and friends on happy expeditions for the striped bass or the blue crab. We shall miss his friendly presence in the Atlantic.

  3. Blue Crabbing on Cape Cod

    In an ancient Cape Cod cottage, the Farm House, the walls of which were decorated by his uncle, the artist Frank W. Benson, DR. WYMAN RICHARDSON spent some fifty summers. Here he came to know the moods and everchanging beauty of Nauset Beach and the great salt marsh within; here he developed his extraordinary knowledge of the shore birds; and here he guided his family and friends on happy expeditions for the striped bass or the blue crab. This is the first of a pair of posthumous papers to be published in the Atlantic this summer.

  4. Do-Nothing Day

    On the magnificent stretch of Nauset Beach and on the ponds and marshes that lie inland, DR. WYMAN RICHARDSON for going on fifty summers has lived a life of action and observation, Hatching the bird life as he has paddled or fished for stripers, and ever conscious of the sea changes. This is the eighth in his series of Cape Cod essays which have appeared in the Atlantic.

  5. Fog

    On the magnificent stretch of Nauset Beach and on the ponds and marshes that lie inland, DR. WYMAN RICHARDSON for going on fifty summers has lived a life of action and observation, watching the bird life as has paddled or fished for stripers, and ever conscious of the sea changes which, he tells us, roll in the fog one day in three. This is the seventh in his series of Cape Cod essays which have appeared in the ATLANTIC.

  6. Bird Language

    On the ponds and marshes of the inland side of Nauset Beach, and in the river estuaries in the neighborhood of Ipswich, DR. WYMAN RICHARDSON has observed the bird life as he has paddled, fished for stripers, or with his son Fred watched in concealment, with his glasses rather than his gun at hand. Dr. Richardson has long been aware that birds communicate, for reasons he explains in this, the sixth of his series of Atlantic essays.

  7. October Mornings

    A Bostonian who has often matched his strength with the sea, WYMAN RICHARDSON, as his father before him, has found his heart’s desire in the remote and rustic Farm House at Eastham which gives him and his family quid; access to the ocean, the Nauset Marsh,and one of the most beautiful beaches in all Cape Cod. Here Dr. Richardson retreats to fish and to observe the birds. This is the fifth of his series of nature essays.

  8. Animal Instinct--or Intelligence

    A Bostonian who has often matched his strength with the sea, WYMAN RICHARDSON. as his father before him. has found his heart’s desire in the remote and rustic Farm House at Eastham which gives him and his family quick access to the ocean, the Nan set Marsh, and one of the most beautiful beaches in all Cape Cod. Here Dr. Richardson retreats to fish, to observe the birds, and to puzzle over that question which has mystified every naturalist: Are animals intelligent? This is the fourth of his series of nature essays.

  9. September Sea

    A Bostonian who has often matched his strength with the sea, WYMAN RICHARDSON,as his father before him, has found his heart’s desire in the remote and rustic Farm House at Eastham which gives him and his family quick access to the ocean, the Nauset Marsh, and one of the most beautiful beaches in all Cape Cod. Here Dr. Richardson retreats, to fish, to write, to hunt, or do nothing. This is the third of a series of articles on the moods of Cape Cod which Dr. Richardson is contributing to the Atlantic.

  10. Winds Along the Dunes

    A member of a Massachusetts family long identified with Boston and Cape Cod, WYMAN RICHARDSON with his wife and children has spent many of his happiest hours in the rustic Farm House which gives them access to the sea and the Nauset Marsh and Beach. expeditions in the open depend on weather, and Dr. Richardson knows the wind as a weather-breeder, as a stimulant, and as an almost personal adversary.