Escalating the Lease-on-Life
Author of many light pieces, Weare Holbrook was the creator of the comic supplement feature “Clarence” for the New York HERALD TRIBUNE syndicate.
Author of many light pieces, Weare Holbrook was the creator of the comic supplement feature “Clarence” for the New York HERALD TRIBUNE syndicate.
A former Iowan, now retired in Hartsdale, New York, WEARE HOLBROOK was the creator of the comic supplement feature “Clarence” for the New York HERALD TRIBUNE syndicate.
WEARE HOLBKOOK is an infrequent but welcome contributor to these pages. He lives in Hartsdale, New York, and is the author of many tight articles.
WEARE HOLBROOK, who lives in Hartsdale, New York, has written frequently for our Accent on Living pages.
WEARE HOLBROOK, who lives in Hartsdale, New York, has written frequently for our Accent on Living pages.
WEAKB HOLBROOK has written many light articles for news syndicates and magazines, A former Iowan, he note lives in Hartsdale, New York.
WEARE HOLBROOK has written many light articles for news syndicates and magazines. A former Iowan, he now lives in Hartsdale, New York.
WEARE HOLBROOK has written many light articles for news syndicates and magazines. A former Iowan, he now lives in Hartsdale, New York.