Virginia Postrel

Virginia Postrel is an Atlantic contributing editor and the editor in chief of She is writing a book about glamour. Contributing editor for The Atlantic and author of The Substance of Style and The Future and Its Enemies. Editor-in-chief of


  1. ...With Functioning Kidneys for All

    Surely we can find enough kidney donors for those who need transplants. But doing so will require creativity, boldness, and a sense of urgency—and experimenting with controversial ideas like donor chains and financial incentives.

  2. Macroegonomics

    Economic policy makers thought they had tamed the business cycle. Not quite. Let’s hope their hubris doesn’t get in the way of our economic recovery

    Left: Shaun Heasley/Reuters/Corbis; Right: Adam Hunger/Reuters/Corbis
  3. Defending “My Drug Problem”

    Virginia Postrel’s March article on the availability of cancer drugs sparked enormous reader response, much more than the print magazine’s Letters to the Editor section could accommodate. Here she responds to some common criticisms from those letters.

  4. My Drug Problem

    The cancer drug Herceptin saved the author’s life. It also cost $60,000. Would health-care reform put it, and other expensive new drugs, out of reach?

    Mark Hooper