John Rubens Smith / Library of Congress On This Day in 1831, a Bloody Uprising in the Virginia Countryside
From The Atlantic archives: a detailed account of Nat Turner's slave rebellion
Leaves From an Officer’s Journal
The white colonel of the first official black regiment recounts his experience.
Nat Turner’s Insurrection
An account of America’s bloodiest slave revolt and its repercussions.
Library of Congress Leaves From an Officer's Journal
A white Civil War officer recounts his experience as Colonel of the first black regiment
Leaves From an Officer's Journal
A white Civil War officer recounts his experience as Colonel of the first black regiment
Leaves From an Officer's Journal
A white Civil War officer recounts his experience as Colonel of the first black regiment
Library of Congress Nat Turner’s Insurrection
The Atlantic’s account of a Virginia slave revolt that would become one of the bloodiest in American history
Literature (1857-1907)
“The time will come when all men will wonder, not that Americans attached so much importance to their national development at this period, but that they appreciated it so little.”