Sophie Gilbert

Sophie Gilbert is a staff writer at The Atlantic. She won the 2024 National Magazine Award for Reviews and Criticism and was a finalist for the 2022 Pulitzer Prize in Criticism. She is the author of On Womanhood: Bodies, Literature, Choice, and the forthcoming Girl on Girl, an analysis of 21st-century popular culture's influence on women. Before joining The Atlantic in 2014, she was the arts editor at Washingtonian.


What Madonna Knows

The artist is always one step ahead—and has a unique power to scandalize each generation anew.

A portrait of Madonna on a red background.
Ken Regan / Camera 5 / Contour RA by Getty


  1. Misogyny Comes Roaring Back

    Donald Trump will return to Washington flanked by an entourage intent on imposing its archaic vision of gender politics on the nation.

    illustration of silhouette of woman standing before towering orange bonfire with yellow flames resembling Trump's head with blowing hair
    Illustration by Ben Hickey