Newton F. Tolman


  1. Dog Days

    NEWTON F. TOLMAN,with his wife, Janet, lives on a thousand-acre farm in New Hampshire, where he fishes and hunts, trains bird dogs, and communicates, when necessary, with the hermits and hedgehogs. His humorous account of life in the country, NORTH OF MONADNOCK, will be published next month by Atlantic-Little, Brown.

  2. The Magic Toot: Reflections of a Casual Flautist

    NEWTON F. I OLMAN, a New England Yankee, is now operating a tree farm in New Hampshire and enjoying the perquisites of a bucolic life, which include fishing in the spring, hunting in the fait, tooling on his flute in the winter, and writing whenever the spirit moves him.

  3. Hunting Hunters

    NEWTON F. TOLMANis a New Hampshire resident who writes whenever he ran spare time from the laborious duties involved in rescuing visiting hunters once the season gets into full swing.

  4. Something on a Dirt Road

    NEWTON F. TOLMAN is a writer on country subjects who claims the odd distinction not only of having hern horn in New Hampshire, tad of haring tired there practically ever since.

  5. The Biggest Liars of All

    A New Hampshire resident, NEWTON F. TOLM w is a tree farmer and licensed guide who spends most of his time training grouse dogs while waiting for trees to grow.