Vodafone Germany is testing out a new crowdsourced tech support that delivers tech support to your door in the form of other users—for a fee. Will U.S. providers adopt a similar model?

Vodafone Germany is testing out a new crowdsourced tech support that delivers tech support to your door in the form of other users—for a fee. Will U.S. providers adopt a similar model?
Can an Argentine startup reinvent governance through a smartphone app?
Sweden's Stadsmission has become the H&M of charity work.
Facing new competition from countries like Brazil and Turkey, the U.S. has launched its first national tourism campaign overseas. Is it working?
European leaders want to go head to head with Amazon and Google. But some tech executives are pushing back against the plan.
The iconic, gold-lamé covered, pentagonal music space celebrates its 50th birthday.
A Deutsche Telekom exec says he’s not surprised that Merkel’s Nokia Slide was hacked.
A new initiative hopes to make Berlin a hotspot for interfaith dialogue, but critics say the group's plan glosses over the site’s horrific past.
Some organizations are worried that U.S. plans to retaliate against the Assad regime don’t take into account the impending humanitarian crisis, but Syrian activists want to see more action from the West.
A growing support group challenges cultural assumptions about domestic violence.