The Unconscious Rules of Personal Space
The distance you keep from others is an elaborate, instinctive dance.

The distance you keep from others is an elaborate, instinctive dance.
The startle reflex evolved to protect the body, but it also reveals your thoughts and feelings.
A rare condition called hemispatial neglect reveals the invisible seams in human consciousness.
A professor of neuroscience says it will one day be possible to live on in a computer after death.
A neuroscientist on how we came to be aware of ourselves
The brain projects its own qualities onto the world around it—for better or worse.
Understanding the difference between awareness and attention might be the key to unlocking the mystery of human consciousness.
They play to our intuitions, but don’t actually explain anything.
The brain’s model of the body can tell us a lot about its model of attention.
It’s just the brain describing itself—to itself.