Liza Mundy

Liza Mundy, a former staff writer for The Washington Post, is the author of five books, including Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II and, most recently, The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA.


  1. The Women Who Saw 9/11 Coming

    Many of the CIA analysts who spotted the earliest signs of al-Qaeda’s rise were female. They had trouble getting their warnings heard.

    An illustration featuring Osama bin Laden, the CIA crest, and silhouettes of female figures
    Illustration by Joan Wong. Source: Getty.
  2. 硅谷的女性困境


    a technicolor collage of portraits of women
    Jason Madara / Erik Tanner / Paul Spella / The Atlantic
  3. Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?

    Tech companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to improve conditions for female employees. Here’s why not much has changed—and what might actually work.

    A photo collage of women
    Jason Madara / Erik Tanner / Paul Spella / The Atlantic
  4. Playing the Granny Card

    Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Angela Merkel, Christine Lagarde: Is a generation of powerful women turning age into an advantage?

    Edmon De Haro