Valentine's Day's Biggest International Haters
From Saudi Arabia to Japan

From Saudi Arabia to Japan
An existing law requires companies to give employees paid time off. A new one would make them use it.
"If you make one step toward, no one can push it back, not even half a step."
Demonstrators, some of whom have never heard of Ferguson, show their peaceful intentions with their palms.
How Jackie Chan's son became a casualty of the "people's war" on narcotics
Some Chinese advertisers are unhappy with how they were portrayed in the film.
"There really is no tradeoff needed between civil liberty and human dignity, and being fed," Shen Tong says.
Agriculture shapes psychology in China's wheat- and rice-growing regions, a new study suggests.
As rich countries erect immigration barriers, asylum-seekers are fleeing to poorer countries where they're less likely to build a better life.
What happens when HBO's notoriously explicit show gets the Chinese censorship treatment