Lawrence Weschler

Lawrence Weschler is the author of more than 20 books, including Vermeer in Bosnia (2004), And How Are You, Doctor Sacks? (2019), and, most recently, A Trove of Zohars (2022). He runs Wondercabinet, a Substack fortnightly.


  1. Vermeer’s Daughter

    A speculative theory holds that Maria Vermeer was not only a model for her father but also an artist who created several of the paintings attributed to him. Could it be true?

    Vermeer's "Girl With a Pearl Earring" painting, with circles containing details from "Girl With a Red Hat" superimposed
  2. My Grandfather's Last Tale

    The mission? To carry forward the musical legacy of a once-celebrated composer, as part of the duties of a musically ungifted oldest grandson. The stops along the way? The modernist frenzy of 1920s Vienna and Berlin and the artistic lassitude of 1940s and 1950s expatriate Hollywood. The culmination? The stage of an adventurous opera company in a little town in eastern Germany that was by turns an SS and a Stasi stronghold.