What It’s Like to Be a Doctor for Sport Horses
"Our hospital is no different than a human hospital, really. It’s just a little bit bigger."

"Our hospital is no different than a human hospital, really. It’s just a little bit bigger."
Not curbing its taste for meat could cost the U.S. almost $200 billion each year—and the global economy up to $1.6 trillion.
And they don't always like what they see.
Adults often have trouble understanding young children’s needs and inner lives—but paying closer attention to the way they experience the world can be valuable.
A philosopher explains how feelings influence right and wrong.
A new poll shows people still think the collection of their personal data is a bad thing—but they’re marginally more willing to support increased national-security surveillance.
Yes, but they're more skeptical about whether going to college helps them achieve their goals.
The social network that cheapened friendship takes a tiny step toward celebrating it.
Putting on headphones to regulate emotions may not always be beneficial.