The Wildfire Risk in America’s Front Yards
If we really want to keep communities safe, we need to think about where we build, and with what.
If we really want to keep communities safe, we need to think about where we build, and with what.
The animals are highly sensitive to particle pollution. How far will they go to avoid wildfires?
Extreme heat is making it harder for rescue helicopters to take off.
A single number can’t capture extreme heat.
Flying robots could offer a nonlethal way to keep wolves away from cattle.
Wildfires are making the Alaskan tundra leak methane.
After wildfires come devastating landslides.
Two years later, the intertidal zone of the Pacific Northwest coast is still recovering from a devastating heat wave.
Why do Pennsylvania elk sound different from Colorado elk?
Fire retardant is toxic to fish. An Oregon nonprofit is arguing that it shouldn’t be used at all.