What Makes Men Fathers
Dads reflect on the unexpected moments that defined them as parents.

Dads reflect on the unexpected moments that defined them as parents.
How one author breaks the cycles of self-loathing
A new study shows that the mere scent of men can skew the results of animal tests.
Weight loss is often framed as a personal endeavor, but the best outcomes stem from group efforts.
One dancer has been at the forefront of the field's aesthetic and demographic shifts. Misty Copeland on immaturity at the peak of one's physical abilities.
Fully inhabiting the mind, mannerisms, and reality of a fictional character can be as alienating as it is rewarding.
Neuroscientist James Fallon discovered through his work that he has the brain of a psychopath, and subsequently learned a lot about the role of genes in personality and how his brain affects his life.
It was 50 years ago this month the Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health shed new light on the direct links between smoking and public health.
Many parents of color send their children to exclusive, predominantly white schools in an attempt to give their kids a "ticket to upward mobility." But these well-resourced institutions can fall short at nurturing minority students emotionally and intellectually.
The halcyon days have passed. Stock photos remind us of a darker time, when the best thing to do with your turkey was to throw on a set of pearls and get glamorous.