Jen Doll

Jen Doll is a former staff writer for The Wire. She is the author of Save the Date: The Occasional Mortifications of a Serial Wedding Guest.


  1. Mad Women: Peggy Takes Charge

    The episode description for the season finale of Mad Men, "In Care Of," was vague enough to be hilarious. It read, simply, "Don has difficulties." Of course, he's had difficulties all season; should the last be any surprise? What is a surprise is that in the final episode of season 6, things start to change.

  2. Mad Women: 'I Want to Be a Grownup'

    Things are definitely percolating in the season's penultimate episode: Megan and Don have grown dangerously far apart, Pete has discovered Bob Benson's secret, and Sally has certainly not gotten over seeing her father have sex with Sylvia.