James C. Thomson Jr.


  1. Nixon and China: Time to Talk

    Mr. Thomson, who wrote “How Could Vietnam Happen?” in the April ATLANTIC,was an East Asian specialist at the Department of State and the White House. 1961-1966, and now teaches history at Harvard.

  2. Dragon Under Glass: Time for a New China Policy

    A China-watcher since he grew up there as the son of missionaries and attended the University of Nanking, Mr. Thomson sees signs of a new approach in our relations with Communist China. THE UNITED STATES AND CHIN A IN WORLD AFFAIRS, a series of studies undertaken by the Council on Foreign Relations, provides the basis, he says, for a mature Far Eastern policy. Mr. Thomson, who now teaches history at Harvard, writes out a background of experience in the White House and the Department of State during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations.

  3. Minutes of a White House Meeting, Summer 1967

    The following record of a meeting yel to be held is printed here to advance public understanding of the great issues of our time. Mr. Thomson, who now teaches history at Harvard, writes this projection out of a background of experience in the White House and Department of Stale during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations.