America Is No Longer the Home of the Free Internet
How the United States learned to love internet censorship

How the United States learned to love internet censorship
Billions of people have apparently encountered vaccine lies on the platform, but that number means nothing without a denominator.
It was terrible then, and it’s terrible now.
The social giant kicked off researchers studying how political ads can encourage targeted voter suppression, leaving citizens with little insight into how they’re manipulated on the platform.
Civil society cannot allow mistrust in institutions to become violent rebellion.
Donald Trump and the coronavirus are all-consuming topics. What will happen to the rest of the world’s issues?
Data misuse is a feature, not a bug—and it’s plaguing our entire culture.
Survivors of the Parkland massacre are getting a crash course in civics, and learning that corporations are more responsive to customer concerns than lawmakers are to their constituents.
Whatever Mark Zuckerberg says about human community or his legacy, his company is acting in its own interests—and against the public good.
“A public social media platform would have the civic mission of providing us a diverse and global view of the world.”