Elliot Haspel

Elliot Haspel is a child-care-policy expert and the author of Crawling Behind: America's Childcare Crisis and How to Fix It.


  1. The Paradox of Stay-at-Home Parents

    American society is largely built around the assumption that one parent will stay home. So why is there so little material support for homemakers?

    A mom holding a baby inside the silhouette of a house. Around them, house silhouettes in different colors expand concentrically.
    Illustration by The Atlantic. Source: yu-ji / Getty.
  2. The Summer-Camp Feeding Frenzy Has Already Begun

    The “every family for itself” approach to child care in the U.S. means parents’ options for three months of the year are shelling out for expensive camps, fighting for limited slots in affordable programs, or nothing.

    Black-and-white side-by-side images of empty desks and kids playing in water
    Joanne Imperio / The Atlantic; Irving Haberman / Getty