Dylan Thomas


  1. The Welshman as Poet

    When he was last in London, the Editor had access to a series of unpublished broadcasts by DYLAN THOMAS, two of which seemed of particular interest to American readers. The soliloquy on August Bank Holiday appeared in our August issue, and we now follow it with Mr. Thomas's evaluation of The Welshman As Poet. As originally presented on BBC, the text concluded with a reading of two of Mr. Thomas’s poems by the director of the program. Both of these essays will be included in a book by Dylan Thomas, Quite Early One Morning, to be published this fall by New Directions.

  2. August Bank Holiday

    Like our Labor Day weekend, August Hank Holiday for the British is celebrated with a universal exodus from city and village; by car, bicycle, motorcycle, am/ /m.s they make their way to the seacoasl, there to disport themselves in family picnics. The occasion was recaptured byDYLAN THOMAS in a boyhood recollection heard once over BBC. It is a little gem of an essay, and the Atlantic is proud to publish it in more permanent form.

  3. Poem on His Birthday

    A British poet who was born in Carmarthenshire, Wales, in 1914, DYLAN THOMAS has published eight volumes of verse since his first poem appeared in print in 1930. A mystic poet and master of the lyric line, his work is said to stem from Gerard Manley Hopkins and to differ from the preceding generation in the absence of any stress on economics and politics. Mr. Thomas is now lecturing in the United States.

  4. How to Be a Poet or the Ascent of Parnassus Made Easy

    Poet, storyteller, and broadcaster, DYLAN THOMAS WAS born in Wales and published his first volume of verse in 1934 when he was nineteen. His Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog. which he published in 1940,is a chronicle based on autobiography. Recently Mr. Thomas was invited by the editor of Circus to describe the steps which help to establish a popular poet in England today. It Was an opportunity for iron y which he has not wasted.

  5. In Country Sleep

    A British poet who was born in Carmarthenshire, Wales, in 1914, DYLAN THOMAS has published seven volumes of verse since his first poem appeared in print in 1930. A mystic poet and master of the lyric line, his work is said to stem from Gerard Manley Hopkins and to differ from the preceding generation in the absence of any stress on economics and politics. In Mr. Thomas’s own definition, “Poetry is the rhythmic, inevitably narrative, movement from an overclothed blindness to a naked vision.”