Drew Gilpin Faust

Drew Gilpin Faust is a contributing writer at The Atlantic, and the Arthur Kingsley Porter University Research Professor and president emerita at Harvard. She is the author of seven books, including Necessary Trouble: Growing Up at Midcentury.


  1. The Men Who Started the War

    John Brown and the Secret Six—the abolitionists who funded the raid on Harpers Ferry—confronted a question as old as America: When is violence justified?

    illustration with doorway of John Brown's Fort in Harpers Ferry with six figures in 19th-century clothing overlaid by a silhouette of a uniformed soldier shooting at man holding a rifle overhead
    Illustration by Matt Williams
  2. What Life Magazine Taught Me About Life

    As a child, I saw the country in its photos, stories, and advertisements—and learned some hard truths about America.

    a photo collage of issues of life magazine from the 1950s
    Photo-illustration by Joanne Imperio / The Atlantic. Sources: LIFE / District of Columbia Public Library