National Journal Alcohol Lobbyists Mad About Marijuana Ad Giving Booze a Bad Name
Marijuana has been giving alcohol a bad name. So contend booze lobbyists, who are getting sick of an ad campaign that makes the claim that pot is safer than their beloved beverages.
Marijuana Advocates Are Really Bumming the Booze Lobby Out
The alcohol industry says pot campaigners' effort to downplay the dangers of smoking is leaving them with a nasty hangover.
Marijuana Policy Project Kirsten Gillibrand's Improbable Path to Liberal Stardom
New York's junior senator has gone from a rural populist to the next Hillary Clinton—with White House ambitions to match. How did it happen?
Reuters Meet the Republicans Who Want to Be the Next Ted Cruz
The senator from Texas might be persona non grata in parts of Washington, but red-state candidates idolize him.
Reuters What I Learned From a Scalia-Style Diet of Conservative Media
Even on the most avowedly right-wing outlets, it's clear that Republicans are losing. The difference is what conclusions the left and right draw from that.
Reuters National Journal National Journal www.Vote.Republican Could be a Porn Site Within the Year
With new domain names opening up on the Internet, the GOP wants the term "Republican" for itself. Problem is, someone else already has it.
Obama's Targeted Killings Are Giving the Drone Industry a Bad Name
Search, rescue, and recovery operations—and pizza delivery—make some of the remotely piloted aircraft in D.C. this week more angel than demon.