Why Hasn’t Science Solved Acne Yet?
Dermatologists are cautiously optimistic that a new vaccine could work better than so many other flawed treatments.

Dermatologists are cautiously optimistic that a new vaccine could work better than so many other flawed treatments.
A contentious study suggests that social movements shoot themselves in the foot when they embrace a wide range of adherents.
Funding cuts are one hurdle to stopping the spread of gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia.
There’s new—and possibly dubious—evidence that “microdosing” hallucinogenic drugs makes people more creative.
But as parents and schools emphasize academics, it’s dwindling.
A provocative study finds that nations with the most pronounced gender gaps nonetheless have the most shared characteristics between genders.
The trash is right there.
The debate is vicious around glyphosate, which was recently found in several breakfast favorites.
Machine learning has the potential to save thousands of people from skin cancer each year—while putting others at greater risk.
Early evidence suggests that treatment has a ripple effect in families.