Andrew Weissmann

Andrew Weissmann is a professor at NYU School of Law. He is a co-author of the new book The Trump Indictments and co-host of the podcast Prosecuting Donald Trump.


  1. When the Media Bow to Trump

    Two of the biggest news stories of recent weeks—Trump’s indictment and Fox News’s Dominion settlement—share a troubling fact pattern.

    Black-and-white close-up photo of Donald Trump next to a photo of a crowd of his supporters carrying signs
    Illustration by The Atlantic. Sources: Melissa Sue Gerrits / Getty; Marco Bello / Reuters.
  2. A Ruling Untethered to the Law

    By appointing a special master to review the Mar-a-Lago documents, Judge Aileen Cannon gave Trump the special treatment he asked for—and undermined the values of her profession.

    Image showing text from court document overlapped on top of black-and-white, medium-close-up picture of Donald Trump's face.
    Brandon Bell / Getty; Mario Tama / Getty; The Atlantic