Alex Faulkner


  1. The Alien Angler

    ALEX FAULKNER is the New York correspondent of the London Daily telegraph, a tireless prober into any aspect of American life that at scems to him mysterious.

  2. Britain in the American Press

    What kind of image of the British does a newspaper story create in the mind of the average American reader? An incomplete statement, a few words lifted out of context, can develop on occasion into an international incident. ALEX FAULKNER,New York correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph since 1934, writes from long experience with press practices on both sides of the Atlantic.

  3. Chinchillas

    ALEX FAULKNER is the Sew York correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph. This is his second, appearance in the Atlantic.

  4. What We Do to British Exports

    Markup The United States has been selling the United Kingdom three times as much as it buys from that country. But when, after the war, British exports to America began to rise, Englishmen were encouraged to hope that they could “close the gapby finding an increasing market for their goods on our side of the Atlantic. ALEX FAULKNER,the American correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph, shows what American taxation and the snowballing of markups have done to destroy those hopes.